Tuesday 11 August 2009

How to Wear your Perfume

Firstly you must look after your bottle of perfume, it is after all a small investment. Keep your bottles out of direct sunlight and store them in a cool place. To avoid some off the essential fragrances from evaporating always keep your bottles tightly closed. You will know when your perfume has gone off. The fragrance might be darker and you won't smell that heavenly boost of scents when you spray it on.

After you have chosen your favourite perfume it is important to apply it to the correct parts of your body in the correct manner.

When applying your perfume always start at the bottom. If you are wearing some cute strappy sandals, heels or open shoes, put a little perfume on the soles of your feet. As you walk, the friction will warm your feet and the scent will float upward. (Note: this does not work for closed shoes.)
After apply to the back of your knees so the scent can rise up, continue applying your perfume to the main folds like your wrist, neck, inner arm and cleavage. Spray some perfume in the air and walk through it that will help to cover the perfume lightly all over your body.

Use soaps and creams in the same scent as your perfume.
If worn together the fragrance will last twice as long! If you are using a scented body balm in addition to the perfume, apply the perfume first. This seals the alcohol in closer to your skin and as it evaporates the cream will “trap” the essence of the perfume fragrance.